La obra maestrra de la cantante Geeshie Wiley es su "Last Kind Words Blues" (El blues de las últimas palabras amables), una doliente canción de gran aliento que evoca el espíritu del blues minetras se aleja de forma evidente de su armonía y de su estructura. En ella se yuxtaponen imágenes de gran violencia con tiernas expresiones de amor, poniendo de manifiesto que Wiley poddía resultar tan sorprendente con sus letras conio con su manera de tocar la guitarra.
The last kind word I heard my daddy say
Lord the last kind word I heard my daddy say
Lord the last kind word I heard my daddy say
If I die, if I die in the German War
I want you to send my body, send it to my mother-in-law
I want you to send my body, send it to my mother-in-law
If I get killed, if I get killed, please don’t bury my (soul) (sword)
I (p’fer) just leave me out, let the buzzards eat me whole
I (p’fer) just leave me out, let the buzzards eat me whole
When you see me comin’, look ‘cross the (rich man’s) (Richland) field
If I don’t bring you flour, I’ll bring you (?)
If I don’t bring you flour, I’ll bring you (?)
(Guitar Solo)
I went to the depot, I looked up at the sign
Cry some train don’t come, there’ll be some walkin’ done
Cry some train don’t come, there’ll be some walkin’ done
My momma told me, just before she died
Lord, (since the dawn, I thought you’d be so wise) (I brought you a piece of ?)
Lord, (since the dawn, I thought you’d be so wise) (I brought you a piece of ?)
The Mississippi River, you know it’s deep and wide
I can stand right here, see my (babe) (face) from the other side
I can stand right here, see my (babe) (face) from the other side
What you do to me baby, it never gets out of me
I mean I’ll see you, after I cross the deep blue sea
I mean I’ll see you, after I cross the deep blue sea
3 comentarios:
Fantástica. ¿Dónde encuentras estas cosas?
No puede ser, esta te la has inventado!!! ;-)
Vaya descubrimiento para mi. No tenía ni idea. Genial!
Os lo tengo dicho....hay que comprar libros.
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